2005-04-20 今日連結

* 苑裡有機田觀察紀 第2集
* Apollo 13, We Have a Solution
* The Girl Blogger from Iraq
* von Hippel: Democratizing Innovation

Lead users therefore tend to develop functionally novel services — services where the mobile vendor or service provider is likely to say, “Oh, I had no idea you even wanted to do that!" Just look at SMS: it’s a lead-user innovation that caught the industry by surprise.

* 從大英百科全書到維基百科
* 高露洁事件启示:国外主流媒体为何漏报新闻
* 協助完成「二OO八台灣博覽會條例(草案)
* 邵族文化園區保不住
* A9.com – Add More Columns
* TXTmob: Text Messaging For Protest Swarms
* Insane and Reckless ‘Citizen Journalists’
* Get mapping (thanks tm!)
* 萬華堤外道連奪命 電視「犯人」廣告外籍明星身亡


* “Lead User" studies

This series of 6 short (10-14 minute) videos offer practical information about “Lead User" studies. Lead user studies are the front end for product and service development projects intended to create breakthroughs systematically.

* Prepared notes from my Annenberg Center talk 4/14/2005


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